
The PT: Battle for Zendikar Infographic

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ProtourBFZ_DAY1 (1) ProtourBFZ_DAY2 (1)We just received these gorgeous infographics from our own Diego Fumagalli. Check 'em out!



3 thoughts on “The PT: Battle for Zendikar Infographic

  1. Can you link the data source for this? Mostly because I’d like to see how some of the decks are classified in cases where it could go either way (For instance, at what point does Esper Contrl become Esper Planeswalkers?).

    Also, you have 5 Esper Planeswalkers decks listed on day 2, but only 4 on day 1. I’d like to believe that the deck has a 125% advance rate, but something tells me it’s a classification error.

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