
simic urza

It’s a whole new Modern, but we’ve got some unfinished business to take care of. Sure, some of the following lists are from after the Oko ban. Others, before. But all of them are from this month, which saw some really neat developments! Simic Urza Don’t call it a comeback! Simic Urza may have lost […]

With the new year just days away, every Modern player’s got something on their mind: which new goodies will we get next? What’s the deal with Pioneer? How are winning grinders tweaking their decks going into 2020? While we’ll cover all that in the coming weeks, today I want to focus in on the format […]

The end of the year is approaching, and with it a slowdown in competitive Magic. In fact, GP Columbus was the last Modern event of the year. As such, it is the final opportunity to look at the metagame before 2020’s SCG Columbus, so GP Columbus provides extremely important data. It not only defines the […]

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