
Hall of Fame: Magic Inferno’s Winning Customer Service

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It seems that the Hall of Shame is quite popular. It is very important that resellers are held accountable for their actions, and while the resellers who are receiving harsh criticism from their clients may not enjoy the attention, the community at a whole will become stronger as a result. To the resellers who are unhappy with the words of their customers - if a customer is driven to take time out of their day to lodge a complaint against your business, you have likely done something to earn their ire. Rather than threatening the customer or their forum for free expression, it would behoove the effected business owners to turn their gaze inward and reconsider their business practices. There is no difference between what the author of the previous testimonial has done and what millions of users on a site like Yelp do. A consumer has the right to author a review or testimonial of a product or service, and as long as that consumer is simply recounting their experience with the business in question, their actions are justifiable, legal, and commendable.

I must reiterate that any seller who feels unfairly targeted is encouraged to contact me with a written account of the situation in question and address any points that he or she feels to be unfair, inaccurate, or outright untrue. If the truth is inconvenient, then it is your responsibility as a business owner to address the concerns of your customers.


It seems that poor service is almost expected these days. While most of us are perfectly happy to simply receive our merchandise in a timely manner, every so often a business goes above and beyond the call of duty. It is very important to show these people that their efforts are not going unrewarded!

Magic Inferno, based out of Altamonte Springs, Florida, is such a business. I placed an order very soon before I was leaving for US Nationals this past summer, and was very keen on having the cards delivered promptly. US Mail would likely have delivered the package on time if it had gone out the same day, and it was reasonably early in the afternoon for such a possibility. I picked up the phone and called them directly. They answered. That's a big bonus point. Some sellers won't even respond to emails in a timely manner, but being able to speak with a human being was a welcome change of pace.

I explained to them that I would be going to Nationals, and that if they could kindly ship my parcel out on the same day, I would be extremely grateful. The gentleman I spoke with, whose name has unfortunately escaped me, was very understanding and accommodating. He actually told me that he'd make sure to express it to me instead so that I got it for the big tournament! I asked him how much extra he'd like for that and said that simple word-of-mouth would be payment enough. I asked him if there was anything else I could do to repay him for what amounted to incredible kindness and generosity, and his only request was that if I wouldn't mind, could he send along a T-Shirt with their logo on it to wear at Nats? I would have been more than happy to oblige, but I was to be working for Star City Games that weekend. He fully understood and was still happy to fulfill his promise of expedited shipping.

The cards arrived without incident, and I was left in utter amazement at the personal attention I got. They are on the short list of stores that I will be glad to order from again, and I wholeheartedly recommend considering them next time you need singles!

Kelly Reid

Founder & Product Manager

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6 thoughts on “Hall of Fame: Magic Inferno’s Winning Customer Service

  1. Another home run from the ideas department, KBR. I like how you lets us players know which stores to trust and which stores to stay away from. May I also recommend eventually adding separate 'Hall of Fame' and 'Hall of Shame' tabs at the top of the page (next to value of M10) for easy access?

  2. I've been ordering from MagicInferno since you made that shout-out back then. I think you tweeted it. But they've been nothing but top-notch for me. I'm consistenly impressed with their card prices, low shipping costs and quick delivery. They are, in fact, my favorite seller.

  3. MI is awesome – they are my local shop, and I try to buy from them whenever possible. Unfortunately, they are on the other side of town, so it makes it difficult. The people are friendlier, and the quality of players is better than it is on the south side of town.

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