

I’m in an unusual position this spoiler season. Two weeks ago, barely anything had been spoiled; today, the whole set is not only spoiled, but available online. Such are the breaks when spoiler season happens over the first week of a new month. As such, this will be a different kind of spoiler article. I […]

It’s the first Tuesday of the month, so it’s time for the metagame update. Yes, even in the middle of spoiler season. Because, serious question, when aren’t we in spoiler season? This year’s release schedule is ridiculous; I could spend all my time just discussing cards and never run out of gas. I’ve got to draw […]

Modern Horizons 2 has been around for a month, and the format has adjusted thoroughly. That’s not to say the dust has settled; just that the world is very different now. Today, we’ll take a look at the directions fair decks are headed, featuring a pair of red one-drops that have already begun to redefine […]

This summer is absurd. Modern Horizons 2 has just hit the street, and Wizards is already previewing Adventures in the Forgotten Realms. Or technically, this is Wizards continuing to preview Adventures in the Forgotten Realms because there were initial teasers alongside the first MH2 spoilers. It’s way too much, way too fast, and is deeply unfair to my wallet. […]

If one alludes to an article, one needs to follow-through. In literature, the principle is known as Chekov’s Gun. Last week, I created expectations for an article about my experiences testing Humans, so this week I have to actually write that article. Which is fortunate; I’ve tested enough that I’m able to discuss the various […]

As the paper release date for Modern Horizons 2 approaches, brewing and testing new decks is kicking into high gear. Players are eager to display their creations and figure out what Modern actually looks like after a year with paper play and numerous new sets. The online metagame is as always suggestive, but provably inbred […]

All decks aren’t created equal: some are Splinter Twin, others are Mono-Green Aura Stompy. The same goes for every set: some are Dominaria, others Legions. Thus, the impact of every new set will be felt unequally both by Modern as a whole and by individual decks. Not every set can have Modern-playable cards, and not every […]

Welcome back to Modern Top 5: Modern Horizons 2 edition! Yesterday, we touched on the Incarnations (ranked from best to worst here) and dove deep on Sudden Edict, Urza’s Saga, and Prismatic Ending. Now, it’s time for the final chapter in our comprehensive Modern Horizons 2 spoiler overview: heaps of text on my picks for […]

Modern Top 5 is a long-running article series in which I use a set of pre-defined metrics to rank the best of breed in different categories. Past contests have included utility cards, hosers, enablers, beaters, and planeswalkers… come to think of it, though, most of those contests are due for an update! Today’s brand-new entry […]

To quote a great doctor, “the M.H. saga continues.” Yesterday, we considered the decks to be impacted and created by Modern Horizons 2, and today, we’ll look at at the many role-players present in the set. Let’s begin with the Incarnation cycle (ranked!), after which we’ll check out new removal, utility, and build-around options. Finally, it […]

The bars are opening, and with them, certain among the FNM registry’s many stinky basements. In other words, it’s officially Christmas. And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, well, it’s time to start: Modern Horizons 2 is fully spoiled as of yesterday! On that note, I’m thrilled to welcome you, fellow Modern fanatic, to the first […]

I’m interrupting this spoiler season with an important bulletin: it’s time for the metagame update! And this will be a strange one. Although… I’m not entirely clear on what a normal metagame update might look like. I mention that there’s something unexpected happening every month. It’s never the same weird thing, but it’s always something […]

Starms a-comin’ in. You know, Modern Horizons 2? As usual, though, Modern players aren’t content to just sit around and wait for the new cards. They’re as busy as ever creating, tuning, and tweaking new creations! Today, we’ll look at a couple of notable developments this month: the propagation of tech from UR Prowess and […]

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