The Modern Metagame has entered its final form. There is little doubt that bans are inbound. The question is which top decks will be hit, and which survive.
The One Ring
The Modern RCQ season is ending, and its conclusions conflict with the online results. Boros Energy is defining the metagame, but it might not for much longer.
As expected, Energy decks moved to the top of Modern’s metagame in September. However, players are beginning to adapt and adjust their decks to compensate.
Nadu richly deserved to be banned, and the August metagame data proves it. However, Grief is a more speculative ban but will cause a stronger metagame shift.
Nadu Breakfast is confirmed as a Tier 1 deck. Sorta. Magic Online never behaves as expected. However, the metagame’s direction is quite clear. August 26 looms.
In September, Modern’s metagame developed along the same lines as it did in August. This is not a good thing, and it is getting much worse. David has the data.
August was… unexpected. Wizards threw everyone off with their Ban Day decisions. Bans were expected in Standard (based on Wizards’ own statements) and hoped for in multiple other formats. Instead, Modern and Legacy saw unbans. The impact this has had will be on display in this metagame update.
The Pro Tour strongly reflects the impact of Tales of Middle Earth. Modern’s metagame is warping around the set to an alarming degree. The data is quite clear.
Modern has finally achieved critical mass… of legends! Mox Amber holds together a five-color pile that can grind out anything with its top-down engine-focus.
The One Ring is driving the metagame changes in Modern. However, the impact isn’t particularly high, and the card’s power remains unclear.
The One Ring is the most impactful Modern card in a long time. Mapson covers the best ways to both play and beat the shining newcomer.
The June Modern Metagame Update is here. New additions have stirred Modern’s mostly stagnant metagame, but that might not be permanent. David has the details.
While the quest for The One Ring may be over, Sig doesn’t believe that means a death knell is merited for Tales of Middle Earth collector boosters just yet.