
Steppe Lynx

Future Sight was the third set in Time Spiral Block and it was full of all the busted elements you could imagine. The Development team decided to look at how Magic would appear at some point in the future, perhaps in an alternate universe. We saw keywords like Delve that haven’t appeared since, along with cards like the Pacts that revisited ideas on just what you’d pay for a “free” spell.

Future Sight is also full of money. Don’t lose a dime of it; read the article!

With the exception of Splinter-Twin, however, the new metagame is very similar to the metagame before rotation.  Edgar Flores won the first SCG Open with NPH legal with a UW CawBlade list that looked very similar to the pre-rotation lists. In this metagame there are a number of cards that are being underplayed, in my opinion, and here are the top 5.

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