Morgan’s here to cover today’s Commander 2017 deck review: Arcane Wizardry.
Morgan Wentworth

Morgan’s back with another Hour of Devastation draft!
Morgan’s first Hour of Devastation draft for QS has arrived. How’d she do?
Morgan’s here to break down another new card from Hour of Devastation in detail. Will we see this aggressive creature at this weekend’s Pro Tour?
Morgan’s got some sweet ideas on how to make Champion of Wits work in Standard. Do you like drawing a lot of cards? Then tune in.
Did you ever think that maybe you should be getting paid for some of the Magic busy work you do for free? Morgan’s got some tips for just that issue.
We’ve all dealt with vendors before, but do you know about the extra opportunities presented by buying or selling at big events? Morgan’s here to give us a behind-the-scenes look at vending at GPs.
Shadows is on everybody’s mind right now, though we still have to wait to get our hands on it. Might I suggest watching Morgan draft Inverter of Truth to pass the time?
In her first draft for QuietSpeculation, Morgan makes a value pick over some efficient removal. Will it pay off, or will her love of value prove to be her downfall? There’s only one way to find out!