

Along with Affinity, Burn and Infect once made up the Holy Trinity of blitzing wins in Modern. Times have certainly changed. The Affinity we knew now relinquishes most of its shares to Hardened Scales; Infect’s loss of Gitaxian Probe and inherent softness to Fatal Push put a serious dent in its former reign; Burn has […]

In the vast card pool of Modern, there are quite a few hidden gems that are either underplayed or could see play in other strategies. Decks like Death’s Shadow and KCI existed for a long time before being discovered. This leads me to believe there are plenty of other undiscovered viable decks lurking in the […]

Once again, it is time to start rolling out my results from the latest Banlist Test. As usual, I will start with the experimental setup and the unquantifiable results. I know that what most readers care about are the hard numbers, but I’m not done gathering the data yet. That will be coming sometime in […]

Whoa crazy crazy. After two weeks in the weeds discussing possible major changes to Wizardsā€™ approach to Modern, itā€™s high time for nice, wholesome event analysis, and what a weekend for it. Two Grand Prix in Birmingham and SĆ£o Paulo, a Modern Open and a Modern ClassicĀ in Richmond, not to mention two weeks of online […]

Note: This article was supposed to go up yesterday. Our server troubles prevented that. I really liked the opening I wrote. Pretend it’s still July 4th for me, please. Happy Fireworks Day, America! As you celebrate America’s birthday through the medium of smoldering craters as Ben Franklin intended, remember: safety first. The Founding Fathers spent […]

Iā€™m not one to play the ā€œbest deck.” Usually, thatā€™s because Iā€™m packing some form of control, tempted by the cruel mistress that is card advantage. Oftentimes, this obsession translates directly into uphill battles and short Saturdays, but thatā€™s neither here nor there. Still, my time spent attacking the format from the outside has given […]

Idle speculation accomplishes nothing. Speculation is just untested opinion, and isĀ therefore invalid. With that in mind, I’ve decided to test my opinions about Gideon of the Trials and find out if my initial impressions actually hold weight. I don’t have enough data to make any definitive conclusion, but my testing shouldĀ shine some light on Gideon’s […]

I had pretty high hopes forĀ Modern Masters 2017,Ā but I’m not sure anyone had really expected what we got. This set is filled to the brim with value. There are some decks that definitely benefit a lot more from these reprints and some that got completely ignored. Unfortunately I think that is unavoidable in any set […]

Buckle up. The Star City Games Regional event decklists are here, and all of a sudden we have a ton of Modern results to sift through. Today’s goal is to speculate as little as possibleā€”instead, I plan on taking an analytical, systematic look at the data we have available, to provide a framework upon which […]

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