Despite new decks arising to challenge them, the preban standbys continue to define Modern. New engine cards from Aetherdrift may be enough to dethrone them.
With Fury and Up the Beanstalk banned, Modern is set to dramatically change. The data clearly shows how necessary the bans were, though the impact is uncertain.
David breaks down the cards to watch in DMU and how their arrival plays into the shifting metagame. Plus: is this the end for Izzet Murktide?
Following up on the data article, David looks to answer how and why Modern has stabilized and what, if anything, is likely to rock the boat.
David E. continues his series on fringe Modern decks, getting in some reps with Wishshift and Showdown of the Skalds. Do they have what it takes?
David E. notices a troubling trend among Omnath decks: they’re warping and converging further. The common thread? Risen Reef is better than everything!
There are numerous transforming double-faced cards in Magic these days. Andrew examines some of the common, and not-so-common quirks of these cards.
David E. unpacks Modern’s only month post-Lurrus and pre-Streets, hinting at the dominance of Murktide and Omnath while unveiling a sleeper Phyrexian hit.
David breaks down the first Modern metagame since the Lurrus ban, revealing some expected churn as the format gets used to UR Murktide’s increased shares.
Last weekend Sig opened 3 rares in the same booster pack. Since when were rares so… common?
New year, who this? January 2022 heralds the end of Hammer Time’s iron reign, the diversification of Omnath piles, and the rise of a nostalgic old favorite.
Last month, we took a look at some of the more interesting decks the online dumps provided in November, focusing on the many applications of Scourge of the Skyclaves. It is indeed December now, but what better time to check out the candidates from the last two weeks? With our comprehensive metagame update published and […]