
Isamaru Hound of Konda

There’s a lot to be hopeful about in Return to Ravnica. I have not seen preorder prices for boxes go up this soon since Future Sight and the Zendikar treasures. Those boxes are going to be packed with money. What’s also cool is that this set is going to get people brewing with their favorite color schemes and trying out old favorites. These favorites aren’t going to be winners, but it’ll get things moving.

Champions of Kamigawa drew upon Japanese mythology, with its shrines, kami and crazy dragon spirits. Though it doesn’t pack in the ridiculous combo cards like Mirrodin did, it is full of legends, which means that there are a bunch of cards that get their value from Commander. This week, we will look at the first half of the set and how you can get the most money from Champs. Let’s look!

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