
modern goblins

There’s an odd lull in Magic right before the set release. There’s no point discussing spoilers anymore; the set’s known and being tested. However, those testing results are questionable. There hasn’t been enough time to process the new cards and produce results, nor has the metagame adjusted to reflect these new cards. This means content tends […]

Modern decks may fade away or rotate, but they never really die. They linger on in the hearts of adherents and their competitive records. Every time a card that might make the old deck return to glory is printed, you can bet the resurrection machine will be rolled out again. This time it’s Goblins’s turn, […]

Raise your hand if Goblin Piledriver was your favorite Magic Origins reprint. What about favorite Origins card? What about favorite reprint period since Modern’s birth (sorry Scavenging Ooze)? Goblin Piledriver is that rare card which inspires current spikes, old Magic veterans, and newer players who have heard legends of tribal Goblins in action. Wizards’ inclusion […]

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