With The One Ring banned and Energy nerfed, Modern is in an experimental phase. However, the data doesn’t reflect this due to MTGO being the only data source.
Splinter Twin
Tony chats with Johnny, a long-time Modern enthusiast. Johnny shares his experiences with Magic and what playing the game means to him.
David E. unpacks the latest metagame report, suggesting UR Murktide may be on borrowed time and pegging a few older Modern strategies as ripe for speculation.
After not touching Modern in the latest B&R announcement, Aaron Forsythe took to Twitter with a trove of valuable insights. David dissects their implications.
Banning problem cards helps build healthy metagames. For this, Modern is no exception. Today David examines a different approach: unbanning.
Nearly two months have passed since the release of Zendikar Rising, but Adam feels there are still cards that are undervalued in the marketplace.
The greatest problem I face as an article writer is finding something to write about. Inspiration is fickle, as motivation can also be. This is made especially difficult by the pandemic choking off my easiest content source: actual Modern tournaments. Without much happening in greater Modern to discuss and limited source material, I find myself […]
But for copyright concerns, I would have led off this article with the lyrics to “Another One Bites the Dust.” I hope perfectly reasonable intellectual property law is happy with itself. There’s been another B&R Announcement. This time something actually is banned in Modern. So that’s nice. Even if it does moot a number of […]
The July 13, 2020 Banned and Restricted announcement is live!
Spoiler season is rolling on. However, my prediction at the end of last week’s article has been holding: Core 2021 spoiled the obviously Modern-playable cards early. Sure, there have been plenty of interesting cards, but they’re all role-players or interesting build-arounds rather than massive shake-ups. And that’s rather welcome, considering how often Modern’s been churned up […]
UndyingMTG goes over how extras impact the secondary market, and what that means for speculators on a budget.
Editor’s Note: The Twin ban remained highly controversial into 2019, especially among what I assume to be an extremely vocal minority of Modern die-hards. That sentiment pushed David to revisit Twin’s previous role in the format with a thorough, data-driven approach. Also included in this re-run are David’s thoughts headed into 2020, which deal with […]