

To quote a great doctor, “the M.H. saga continues.” Yesterday, we considered the decks to be impacted and created by Modern Horizons 2, and today, we’ll look at at the many role-players present in the set. Let’s begin with the Incarnation cycle (ranked!), after which we’ll check out new removal, utility, and build-around options. Finally, it […]

The bars are opening, and with them, certain among the FNM registry’s many stinky basements. In other words, it’s officially Christmas. And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, well, it’s time to start: Modern Horizons 2 is fully spoiled as of yesterday! On that note, I’m thrilled to welcome you, fellow Modern fanatic, to the first […]

By the time this piece is published, Mythic Championship London will be streaming, and Modern players will be testing the London mulligan in a high-pressure environment for the first time. The results of that event will have a massive effect on the format’s future. For those who just can’t wait until the Top 8 ends […]

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