Rob explores the struggling Battles archetype, discussing how we can get the most out of Magic’s newest card type in a Draft format designed to stop them.
Yorion Sky Nomad
The end of the year means an update to the Modern Ban Watchlist. The metagame has failed to deal with its outliers and so corrective bans may be incoming.
It’s time to bust out the toolbox with Five-Color Enigmatic Incarnation. No matter what the opponent brings, Adam’s got the right tool for the job!
Yorion, Sky Nomad has been banned in Modern. David E. breaks down the implications of this ban, which stands to change Modern without changing the metagame.
Yorion, Sky Nomad is BANNED in Modern and so is The Meathook Massacre in Standard. Adam talks about why and predicts the new directions the formats will take.
Adam picks up his third RCQ Top 8, this time with 4c Omnath. He goes over which dials need adjusting, and his plans for future iterations on the archetype.
Did you know that “no” is my favorite word? My second favorite is “Yorion.” This week on Adam Plays Magic, we’re countering spells and crushing dreams.
This week Adam gets all fired up with Fires of Invention! Let’s make the most of our mana by circumventing it entirely. The best spells in life are always free!
David sees real potential in Tameshi, Reality Architect, and tries breaking the Wizard for Modern in a plethora of combo and value shells.
Is Burn still competitive in the new world of Modern? Mauro attempts to answer that question with a recap of his recent Magic Online experiences.
Kaldheim is out and starting to impact constructed formats! Joe takes a look at the three singles he’s most excited from in the set and their potential to be good speculations for your spec box.
Have you looked at the Zendikar Rising Expeditions lately? Joe did, and he thinks that there’s a great opportunity to speculate on some real estate.
Nearly two months have passed since the release of Zendikar Rising, but Adam feels there are still cards that are undervalued in the marketplace.