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These days it seems not a week goes by without a site offering a discount or some cash-back incentive. Sig investigates strategies to maximize value during the days of deep discounts.


Join Edward Eng and Sig Ausfresser for the 4th installment of Quiet Speculation's Office Hours. This week we touch on Ultimate Box Toppers, Dual Lands, Standard, and EDH REC.


Editor's note: from Humans to Ironworks to Arclight Phoenix, 2018 saw Modern's power level rise dramatically. This year, deckbuilders learned to balance tension in their brews to devastating effect. Today's article is a re-run of what I consider my most relevant article to that metagame development. Happy holidays! The...


Rob is back with the third part of his UMA box topper special edition of the Daily Stock Watch.


Rob is back with the second part of his UMA box toppers pick on this Christmas eve edition of the Daily Stock Watch.


It's easy to calculate the market cap of a publicly traded company such as Hasbro. Sig explains how the same principle can be applied to the Magic market, and what it reveals.


Instant/sorcery support? Cost-reduction mechanics? Cheap card draw for aggressive strategies? Light Up the Stage, a card with spectacle spoiled from Ravnica Allegiance this week, hits all my soft spots, yanking me from a haze of Inkling up-smashes and Richter side-specials to brew anew. Today, I'll share my findings on...


Basic lands are worth more than many realize—until recently Adam included. Today he tells the story of how he learned he was sitting on a gold mine in bulk.

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