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This week Sigmund recaps and comments another of his classic articles from six years ago. This time: a comparison of million-dollar art pieces to Alpha rares.


It's easy to identify with Ravnica's guilds. The plane owes much of its popularity to that simple fact. In Modern, where color fixing is better than any other constructed format, players have more often aligned themselves with shards or wedges, such as Jund and Jeskai. But these days, decks...


Eddie covers the latest movements in his MTG portfolio and again shares his recommendations for holds and folds. And be sure to tune in for office hours later!


With the final Masters product hitting the shelves soon, David takes a look at some of the quantitative data on reprint price drops to see when we should target UMA staples.


The competitive drive always burns, no matter how many setbacks I suffer. After all, what's the point in doing anything unless you strive to improve and grow? So, it's once more into the breach for the last PPTQ. I failed to win a PPTQ this year, but that didn't...


Let's rewind the clock this week: back to April 2014. Sig wrote a popular article about spending less time on MTG finance. Many of those concepts still apply today!


Ravnica Allegiance may still seem far away, but now is the time to start considering which cards may benefit from the addition of the missing five guilds. Brian shares his picks.


It's hard to keep track of the fast-moving Magic news cycle. Adam slows it down and covers everything crucial that you might have missed this week.

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