
Insider: Compiled Alerts for PT: KTK

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12:52am EST

Third alert!

David Williams just 2-0'd green Devotion with the Jeskai Ascendancy combo. As reported before, it kills with Altar of the Brood, which is a 1-of. It runs four Astral Cornucopia, which are essential to the combo - they come down as a 0-drop for the combo.

People watching the stream went nuts - "this is gonna be banned," "RIP Standard," etc. So obviously this is a hyped list. It's sometimes surprising how a bunch of people don't know that these decks exist. They'll want to build them and crush their friends.

Cornucopia is about 35 cents right now and it's a BNG card. This is an obvious $1-2 card from an unloved set. Everyone is going to be trying this deck at FNM next week. There are still a bunch of copies to get - hundreds still around. Easy pickup and lots of upside.

Also, I consulted my wife the Latin scholar and she vetted the plural "Cornucopiae," so this tip comes with free scholarship.

10:56pm EST

Doug here, from QS -

Jonny Magic himself is on green devotion, splashing black for goodies like Doomwake Giant. Importantly, he's got See the Unwritten ($3.50). He's on camera now. He just got slammed in game 1 by Yuuya Watanabe. Jon typically has a great read on the PT metagame and performs well, even though he isn't as prolific as before. And he's Finkel, he's on camera, and he still has two games to pull this out. If Jon pulls this out, then See goes up. If Jon Day Twos or Top 8s, then expect See to get pretty nuts. $3.50 isn't exactly riskless - it could drop to a dollar or less - but it's still cheap.

I like See at $3.50 a lot. It solves a big problem in the Devotion deck, which is that it's hard to keep a constant stream of guys going.

In addition, Dig Through Time has disappeared online under $10. Not the time to buy them, but if you get this email at FNM, it's worth looking for deals!

If you can make it, the QS private chatroom is buzzing right now. One intrepid Insider downloaded an IRC client for his phone to follow along - you can, too!

9:17PM EST

Doug here, from QS -

Here's the first alert! LSV is on Jeskai Ascendancy and he killed his first opponent 2-0 with Altar of the Brood. Now, these decks typically run only 1 Altar, since they can loot it up. They go off with Retraction Helix and a card like Astral Cornucopia or Ornithopter for a free permanent.

I don't know how many Altars that LSV is playing. It's fifty cents for the time being. This could hit big and go to $3-4, or if it's a one-of, it could stay about a dollar or so. You can expect that LSV is going to write an article and they always like to put the camera on him, too!

Jeskai Ascendancy is $5.50 right now. I don't see much room for it to move higher, honestly. These three-color rares have a hard time breaking $8. But if Luis is running hot, $10 is not out of the question. I'd suggest picking up a set or two of Altar of the Brood - there's little downside to it right now. We're keeping an eye on the stream for more cards in the combo deck.

Other quick hits: Pearl Lake Ancient is apparently everywhere on blue control sideboards as a 2-3of. It's about a dollar right now and for a Mythic, that's attractive. 3-4 copies of Prognostic Sphinx have been showing up maindeck in control as well - at $0.75, I like a few sets of him as well.

This early in, you have to gauge your risk for buying in. There will still be plenty of other good cards, don't worry!

Douglas Linn

Doug Linn has been playing Magic since 1996 and has had a keen interest in Legacy and Modern. By keeping up closely with emerging trends in the field, Doug is able to predict what cards to buy and when to sell them for a substantial profit. Since the Eternal market follows a routine boom-bust cycle, the time to buy and sell short-term speculative investments is often a narrow window. Because Eternal cards often spike in value once people know why they are good, it is essential for a trader to be connected to the format to get great buys before anyone else. Outside of Magic, Doug is an attorney in the state of Ohio.  Doug is a founding member of Quiet Speculation, and brings with him a tremendous amount of business savvy.

View More By Douglas Linn

Posted in Finance, Free Insider, Pro Tour, Standard

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17 thoughts on “Insider: Compiled Alerts for PT: KTK

  1. I got no alerts as well…I missed Rabblemaster last time because I didn’t realize my browser was on the fritz when I originally signed up for their emails. I have recieved plenty of emails before, so I’m not sure whats going on. You guys are awesome, but please please fix this.

  2. Perhaps there is just a server issue on one someones end. I know nothing can be done about tech errors like that, and yes I should have looked at more than my email, but I’m disappointed regardless :/ I’ve been holding money to invest on this weekend. Ah well, time to find some new positions!

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