
Insider: MTGO Cards to Buy, Sell or Hold – Episode 8

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Hello investors welcome back to another Buy, Sell or Hold,  I hope you all had a very profitable weekend after the triple modern GPs.  MTGO finance is a dynamic work, hard to follow the rhythm sometimes, but the important events shouldn't be missed. The multi format MTG champ started this Thursday and will be the last important modern event in the next two month. It won't be as important as the previous week for speculators, but will definitely move prices a little more.

This week again will write an all modern episode trying to cover the different archetypes, the followings will be focused in standard.

 Death's Shadow

Death's Shadow


The Death's Shadow Zoo build was one of the expected decks for the tournaments, and it performed very well. The reason behind this card dropping from 18 tix to 9 is WWK flashback drafts but the future price is uncertain. It actual price is not good enough to invest in it, but keeping the copies you might have grabbed at a better price, and play close attention to it price, I think is the way to go. Aiming a conservative profit, 5% to 20%, is better than risking a loss in this scenario. It's important to know that there are plenty of investors holding copies of this card they bought a few days after the flashback draft started, when it is believed to hit it bottom short term price; that will cause a fast price adjustment when they all decide to liquidate.

Verdict: HOLD


Through the Breach

Through the Breach


The RG Titan deck was one of the big winners of the weekend, although it was common to play vs the deck in mtgo leagues it hadn't had a big impact in paper magic until now. Most of the cards of the deck spiked and this one did it really high. There is no reason for me to think it will go even higher, if you are still holding some copies you should sell them as soon as possible.

Verdict: SELL


Glimmervoid (Modern Masters)



Another will positioned deck after the GPs is affinity. Most of the cards rised as well, but this particular edition of Glimmervoid has an unusual price compared to the Mirrodin print at 6 tix. Logic indicates that they will meet in the middle at 6.5 or maybe both at 6 or both at 7. While I rather still keep the MRD version I think selling the MMA version at the current price is the best option.

Verdict: SELL




Dredge is undoubtedly the biggest blow out of the weekend.  I hope you sold your cards during the live coverage; anyway 6.5 seems a good price to buy it, specially now that ZEN flashback drafts ended, the problem is how competitive the deck will be from now on. There will always be dredge players that demand these cards, on the other side I think there are still plenty of speculators holding some copies that will liquidate soon plus a bunch of players unhappy will all the graveyard hate these days that will sell their decks to buy a new one. My strategy here is try to close the position as soon as it is profitable, otherwise just keep them and wait for a price rebound. If you want to buy it I recommend to keep an eye on it and wait for a better price.

Verdict: HOLD


Scalding Tarn

Scalding Tarn


One of the best investment right now are the ZEN fetchlands, and the only BUY in this episode. The ZEN flashback draft ended, and the offer for one of the strongest staples ceased. They won't be this cheap again anytime soon. This is the perfect moment to buy them even if you are just a player and know nothing about finance.

Verdict: BUY


See you next week!

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