
You Best Have Dragons: Pre-2X2 Pickups

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“If you want to conquer the world, you best have dragons.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons

There was an error retrieving a chart for Dragon Tempest
There was an error retrieving a chart for Zirilan of the Claw
There was an error retrieving a chart for The Ur-Dragon

While many people find Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate (CLB) to be relatively underwhelming, it's important to note that its time in the spotlight was quickly overshadowed by the ridiculousness that is Double Masters 2022 (2X2). As a brief aside, I expect CLB to likely have underwhelming sales thanks to the playerbase likely dumping all their expendable income into 2X2, which means any hit cards from CLB will be worth a good bit of money.

But that isn't the actual subject of today's focus. As shown by the graphs above, Dragon-themed cards have been spiking the past few weeks thanks to the powerful mythic Dragon cycle from CLB. While it seems the most obvious, low-hanging fruit has been hit; there are still plenty of decent prospects remaining, and that is what we will be looking at today.

While I don't expect all players to flock to The Ur-Dragon, the fact that it allows you to play all five colors and thus abuse all five of the new mythic CLB dragons makes me think a lot of players will. So let's look at the top commander cards and see what hidden gems haven't jumped yet.

Diamonds in the Rough

There was an error retrieving a chart for Crux of Fate

One-sided board wipes are a powerful effect, and Wizards tends to slap on restrictions to them; either they have a very high mana cost like Plague Wind or limitations you have to build around like Fell the Mighty. In this case we clearly have a build-around Wrath; given it fits perfectly into a Dragon-themed deck, it seems like an obvious auto-include.

Crux has one major printing in Fate Reforged and then additional reprints in Commander 2017 (the same deck that contained The Ur-Dragon) and as a Mystical Archive in Strixhaven. Copies are sitting around $2 and if a card like Dragon Tempest which was reprinted at uncommon Iconic Masters can reach $8+, it seems logical that Crux of Fate could at least hit $4.

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This card has already started moving upwards a bit, but it likely still has room to grow. It is important to remember that thanks to the allied fetchland reprint in Khans of Tarkir, a lot of product was opened, so the rares in the set have a pretty low ceiling. That being said, the biggest issue with the CLB Dragons is that they all have to attack to gain any value and none of haste to start with, so providing haste is critical to maximizing their benefits and it doesn't hurt that almost every Dragon in the deck will also draw a card off Temur Ascendancy.

There was an error retrieving a chart for Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund

The original Double Masters printing of this card slashed its price by almost 80%. However, that reprint was also at mythic rarity, so additional supply was likely far less than one might expect even when accounting for the 2 rares/mythics per pack of the set. As Karrthus also provides haste and in fun cases can really nail opponents with Dragons themselves, this seems like another card that will make the cut in most Dragon-themed commander decks and could easily double up to $10.

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It's important to notice that the CLB Dragons all trigger upon dealing combat damage, so giving them double strike will cause two triggers per combat phase. There are definitely a fair number of cards that provide double strike to your creatures. However, they tend to cost more than 3 mana (see Berserkers' Onslaught), and Dragon decks already tend to have a higher-than-average mana value as most dragons are bigger expensive creatures. This card has a single printing in Battlebond, so should it become popular it could easily be a $5+ card.

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Admittedly this card has more printings than I generally like for speculation targets, but outside of the original one they were all in supplementary products. Currently all copies are generally sitting in the $0.5-$1.5 range. This was a $4+ dollar card for several years prior to the glut of reprints, and while it may be difficult to return to that value, it does belong in pretty much every single Dragon-themed deck thanks to the aforementioned high mana values present in those decks.

Dragonic Horde

I have found that casual Commander-driven card spikes tend to cascade over a longer period of time than competitive ones, allowing speculators to dig into potential opportunities at their own pace. While all of these specs may not come to fruition, I will be very surprised if at least a couple don't increase by a good bit. Let's honor the Dragon and get to hoarding!

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