
As Foretold

Hello, Nexites, and welcome to a new edition of Deck of the Week. I must admit that MTGO player 1310HaZzZaRd has been one of my favorite deck brewers, and he was at his best again last week. The deck we’re looking at today is a radical new look for Living End, hybridized with an As Foretold […]

The Oracle at Delphi was always correct. Every ancient Greek source confirms this truth. No matter what you asked the Oracle, the answer would accurately foretell the future. However, thanks to surviving prophecies, we now know she owes this accuracy to vagueness. The Oracle answered questions in ways that could mean anything. When asked about the outcome of a battle, […]

Two weeks ago, I considered As Foretold’s applications in Modern control decks. My starting points were Pillow Fort and UB Control, but by the end of the article (and, incidentally, the time I prepared to publish it), I’d turned my attention to integrating the Amonkhet highlight into Modern’s longest-standing control deck: Jeskai. Over the past two […]

Every time spoiler season rolls around, I get retrospective. Normally, Magic-related retrospection occurs around New Year’s, when writers across the community produce their inevitable “Top 10 of 20xx” lists. I guess it makes sense, then, that while everyone else is looking forward to the new set, I’m looking back at what we’re leaving behind. Perhaps it’s because I enjoy […]

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