Despite new decks arising to challenge them, the preban standbys continue to define Modern. New engine cards from Aetherdrift may be enough to dethrone them.
Karn The Great Creator
With Modern Horizons 3 near, the Modern metagame is holding its breath. Players are choosing to play established decks and coast to the metagame’s finish.
Time to close the books on 2023. It’s been quite a year. We saw two of the biggest sustained warps in Modern’s history, banned and restricted policy reverted to an earlier form, and we had the first unban since 2019.
The end of the year means an update to the Modern Ban Watchlist. The metagame has failed to deal with its outliers and so corrective bans may be incoming.
The data from the first round of Regional Qualifiers is out. David E. looks into the results, analyzing whether the data reflects Pioneer’s metagame and health.
The week after a set release is always full of experimentation and surprises. David E. has seen some very unexpected cards in unexpected formats so far.
It seems likely that The Brothers’ War will endanger Karn, the Great Creator in Pioneer. However, whether Karn is too good in Modern is far more complicated.
Is Karn gonna be forever, or is he gonna go down in flames? Because it’s looking like Wizards has a blank space on the ban list, and they’ll write his name.
The next RCQ season has arrived. David E’s first tournament didn’t go well, but there are still lessons to be learned about Pioneer and how to be a Spike.
Yorion, Sky Nomad is BANNED in Modern and so is The Meathook Massacre in Standard. Adam talks about why and predicts the new directions the formats will take.
All eyes are on Pioneer, but they can’t stop staring at Mono-Green’s off-color Planeswalkers! Adam explains why they’re here and what they bring to the table.
David E. attended a Modern RCQ this weekend. Despite being his preferred format, it didn’t go well. Winning takes more than just good preparation, after all.