

How apropos that the Metagame Update is falling on the same day that Innistrad: Midnight Hunt spoilers begin. It’s a perfect transition from the metagame we knew to the new one to come. However new it actually is or isn’t is irrelevant. The addition of new cards creates new possibilities which alone change the metagame dynamics. And […]

What’s Magic’s most popular format? I realize this is the sort of question most ask around the gaming table just to have an argument, but I’m actually curious. The problem is that I can ask 100 players and get 100 different answers. It will frequently come down to what they last played and how much they […]

Glancing at pre-order prices, Sig noticed Modern Horizons 2 is coming out of the gate on the expensive side. This week, he makes some comparisons to the first Modern Horizons to create his prognosis for prices for the set’s singles.

The new month brings a new metagame update. And this time, there’s nothing disruptive to report. No bannings, no weird and still-unexplained data gaps; just a perfectly normal bit of data gathering. Which means that I’ll be delivering a straightforward metagame update. Which will be nice, since there’s another Modern Horizons coming, and that might […]

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