

Halfway through the month, October seems to be following in September’s footsteps, giving us new decks from the new cards and interesting takes on existing archetypes. Today, we’ll look at developments in ramp, midrange, fish, and combo. Let’s get to it! Come Om, Come All Omnath, Locus of Creation is more than just a Standard […]

By the time this piece is published, Mythic Championship London will be streaming, and Modern players will be testing the London mulligan in a high-pressure environment for the first time. The results of that event will have a massive effect on the format’s future. For those who just can’t wait until the Top 8 ends […]

At last, War of the Spark is fully spoiled! From a design perspective, I think War bodes well for Modern’s future, and more specifically for the upcoming Modern Horizons. And the set itself has some juicy cards, too. While David’s review sought to quell the excitement surrounding some perhaps-not-excellent War cards, this article goes over […]

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