

Modern is often referred to as a “wide open” format, where deck choice is based more on preference than the “correct metagame choice.”Ā This mentality can at times lead to poor decisions based around pet cards, favorite strategies, or simply stubbornness. It can overwhelm any player looking to prepare for tournaments without a preset idea of […]

Look, I get it. Sideboarding isnā€™t sexy. Even if I throw numbers at you, like the fact that close to 66% of the games you play involve a post-sideboard 75, youā€™ll still work to perfect that starting 60, then find 15 cards to ā€œfill inā€ a sideboard and call it a day. Iā€™m guilty of […]

Time to put your metagame and Modern knowledge through the ringer! This Sunday, Star City Games’ Championships Weekend concludes with a full day of Modern. With events for every state in America and province in Canada, the Championship showdown is a no-holds-barred Modern blowout where players from across North America will try their hand inĀ the […]

With the recent release of Magic Origins and preparations for attending my first Pro Tour in Vancouver, Modern has unfortunately taken a backseat to Standard testing for me recently. This pains me greatly, as moving from the extremely mana-efficient, decision intensive, role-switching matches of Grixis Control in favor of clunky, barbaric Abzan Midrange is similar […]

It’s no secret I’m a big fan of Grixis Delver. This isn’t because Grixis Delver is the best deck in the format: although it has killer Twin and Affinity matchups, it struggles with Abzan and Burn. It’s also not because I’m one of those Treasure Cruise ex-pats from winter 2014 (I hated that card). I […]

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