
Spirit of the Night

I love doing my financial recaps of older sets where I mine the expensive cards, but going back further is a little harder in two ways. First, there are just so few good cards in older sets. Second, the good ones don’t often turn over, so it’s hard to establish prices. Luckily, Mirage Block was the first “modern” block and it brought in some great spells that wizards still sling today. Let’s take a walk through time as we re-acquaint ourselves with the block. Below is a list of some of the choice picks from the block; I left out the cards worth under two dollars, leaving only the prime cards on the list. There are some cards in here that I guarantee will surprise you.

Champions of Kamigawa drew upon Japanese mythology, with its shrines, kami and crazy dragon spirits. Though it doesn’t pack in the ridiculous combo cards like Mirrodin did, it is full of legends, which means that there are a bunch of cards that get their value from Commander. This week, we will look at the first half of the set and how you can get the most money from Champs. Let’s look!

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