
The Abyss

Wizards announced three more Modern Grands Prix this year, bringing the schedule to two American GPs, a Euro GP and a Canadian GP so close that I’d imagine plenty of players are hunting for their passports. Modern is a ripe field for speculation and it’s a great time to be stocking up on some hot cards for the format. This week, we’re going to take a look at what you should pick up, what you should hold off on, and what the Modern metagame will shape up to. You’re also going to get some Insider-only tech that could pay off in a big way.

Part of speculation and long-term strategies involves making sure that your cash is doing the most work that it can. When your cards are not performing, you need to fire them and get some more productive cards on the line. This weekend at GP: Indy, I divested from several cards that I had been sitting on. The subtheme of my article is “win, lose or draw,” with a look at how an Eternal player confronts finite cash, broad possibilities and the desire to clean house.

Carlos loves to build decks, including those of five colors. Join him this week, defending the multicolor player in us all, and aiming for spot between casual and competitive with a Polymorph deck. Check it out!

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Quiet Speculation