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The competitive year has come to a close for Modern, and now it's time to look ahead. This means it's time once more to informedly speculate on the future of Modern's banlist. It's been a wild year for the list, and while I always hope that the metagame can...


This week, Kyle introduces us to card renting on Magic Online in this two-part series. Part I covers the basics of what renting on MTGO is, how to do it, and whether it is a generally good option for MTGO players new and old to consider.


Sig was underwhelmed by last weekend's Black Friday sales. Some of the discounts simply didn't create compelling price points. This week Sig shares data to support why these blanket site-wide sales aren't as great as they're made out to appear.


This week Magic Online featured a Pioneer PTQ every single day, and this unprecedented show of support for the format has sent the card market into a frenzy.


The metagame is settling down, and players are learning how to attack the top dogs. So November was a slower month for brews. It still possessed Modern's telltale spark of ingenuity, though. Today, we'll look at the most exciting online winners from this month. New Takes on Aggro Standbys...


A few weeks ago, unofficial spoilers for Theros Beyond Death leaked, and appear to be incredibly convincing. David breaks down the early leaks for Theros Beyond Death, and shares his picks for the future Theros Standard.


The end of the year is approaching, and with it a slowdown in competitive Magic. In fact, GP Columbus was the last Modern event of the year. As such, it is the final opportunity to look at the metagame before 2020's SCG Columbus, so GP Columbus provides extremely important...


Part two is here! Tarkan recently had a nice chat with Damon Morris, CEO of Card Kingdom. Listen here for discussion on CK's retail expansion, the future of Legacy, and more!


While the stock market breaks records, many components of the Magic market are well off of their highs. This has created some real buying opportunities. This week Sig shares some of his favorite pick-ups as well as where to buy them at the best price.


The concept of personal preference heavily influences how I see the world, and subsequently, Magic. So I'm no stranger to writing about playing what you love. Nonetheless, I have felt a bit lost in Modern for the last few months: my colored pet decks lost a key card in...

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