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Thrones of Eldraine spoilers are rolling on, and I'm having more fun watching them than any other set I can remember. That's not to say that  Modern Horizons was boring nor War of the Spark lacking content. Rather, there are more opportunites to make your own fun with Eldraine than the other...


It's certainly a buyer's market out there, as prices have pulled back significantly from their highs. But you've got to know where to hunt for deals. This week Sig shares three tips on how to find great deals from some of the largest vendors.


Throne of Eldraine spoilers are now fully underway. While David dissected the set's mechanics earlier this week, today's post reviews the cards themselves to see how they might fare in our shifting Modern format. It also revisits an old brew of mine using a certain exciting newcomer. Let's dance!...


It's time for an update to QS's review of the latest iteration of the Card Kingdom Starter Cube! Is the product still worth it for prospective cube builders?


Chris closes out his series on soon-to-rotate sets, ending with Core Set 2019. Check out his top picks for the very near future.


This has been an utterly insane summer for Magic. Three set releases in close proximity, followed by Hogaak, and then a major banlist update. Modern players are struggling to remember what it means to have a metagame, much less investigate one. We've barely had time to catch our breath...


David reviews some of the key spoilers from Throne of Eldraine, as well as a thorough overview of the new set mechanics.


Last Friday Sig drove to MagicFest Indianapolis, where he experienced inconsistent results in trying to move some Old School cards. One vendor did come to the rescue, but Sig's strategy going forward is going to be a little different.


Throne of Eldraine is shaping up to be a big set for Commander, and Adam is here with what it means for the market.


With the August 26 banning announcement, Hogaak was exiled from Modern, to the aplomb of pundits. Many were also pleased with Wizards's other decision: to axe Faithless Looting. This change affected me differently—not only had I recently spliced Looting into Counter-Cat, the card had always formed the backbone of GRx...

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