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In general, the past few weeks have been fairly dull for Magic finance. But that's about to change. This week Sig shares three catalysts he thinks will shake up the market and create opportunities to make some money.


Monday's Banned and Restricted Announcement has turned the Modern metagame on its head, and Adam is here to explain what it means for the future of the market.


Hogaak and Looting are banned, and Stoneforge Mystic is free at last from the Modern banned list. What do these changes promise for our beloved format? And what does equipment searching have to do with fast food chains? Let's find out! Elephant in the Room Before even thinking about...


It's been a packed weekend for Modern. Not only was there a major event, but there's been a major, cataclysmic upheaval. August 26 will be remembered as a major turning point in Modern's history. Which way it's turning isn't clear. But turn it will. In this article, I'll give...


Sig wasn't able to attend MagicFest Las Vegas last weekend. But that doesn't mean he was disconnected from price trends. This week he examines a particular vendor's hotlists throughout the event to identify winners and losers.


Beaters, or combat creatures, are among my favorite types of Magic cards. They serve to pressure opponents in the most straightforward way possible: by attacking efficiently. Weaker beaters, such as Delver of Secrets, are at their best when paired with disruption; stronger ones can emerge later in the game...


Another event-filled weekend, another data dump, another chance for Modern to adapt and contain the arisen menace. It may not be likely, but as someone locked into making the trip to GP Las Vegas, I feel the need to hope. Barring a sudden abandonment of Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis in...


Sig is planning on attending a Magic Fest next month, where he hopes to sell cards to vendors. But one can't just jump in blindly and expect to maximize value. This week Sig shares three helpful tips to help you prepare for selling to vendors.


It's Hogaak's world; we're just living in it. So are some great-looking brews that manage to 5-0 against the odds and the format boogeyman. With August halfway done, let's peek at the coolest decks emerging from the delve/convoke wreckage. Hogaak's New Bags It's no secret that Hogaak is still...

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