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Commander 2019 has offered incredible speculation opportunities, and Adam shares how he made the most of them - and the mistakes he made along the way.


Chris continues his series on soon-to-rotate sets, this time with Dominaria. Sit back as he takes us on a nostalgia trip to Magic's premier plane and outlines his picks for Commander.


It's a well-known fact that every speculation target carries an associated risk, and sometimes it's better to hold off on a purchase because of it. David gives his perspective on buying, selling, and how the QS Insider Community can be an invaluable asset in your arsenal.


With another GP in the books, it's time once again to dig into the data. When I last did so right after the big MC weekend, the picture was muddied by contradictory results. Half indicated that Hogaak was a dominant force in the metagame. The other half indicated that...


Join Sam for the lowdown on one of the coolest tournaments ever held: The 2019 Gen Con Legacy Cube Championship! Warning: Memes ahead!


Sometimes a quick flip doesn't go exactly as Sig plans. In these cases, he follows a strategy to sell these failed specs to maintain liquidity. This week Sig shares his strategies and why he's often the eager seller.


Hogaak has been nerfed by a Bridge from Below ban, but the deck is still out in force. While its apparent volatility may contribute to a plummeting of metagame shares in the near future, I personally know many players who continue to swear by the strategy. And Dredge is also...


In terms of data, it seems Modern is at a crossroads. This is the problem I found myself with last week. Half the data said that Hogaak was a busted, dominate deck. The other said that it was successful, but only as a function of its popularity. The narrative coming...


The way we'll be getting foils from packs will undergo some change with the introduction of Theme Boosters with Throne of Eldraine. Kyle breaks down the new distribution levels of foils, focusing on how they might affect the process of MTGO Set Redemption.


This week, David takes us through some of the finer points of selling a large collection, and what you as a seller should know before approaching a buyer.

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Quiet Speculation