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This week, David takes us through some of the finer points of selling a large collection, and what you as a seller should know before approaching a buyer.


Recent history has disproved the community hypothesis that Modern Horizons singles had bottomed. Prices on all but the most desirable foils have pulled back considerably from recent highs. Sig ponders whether he should hold or avoid opportunity cost and cash out.


With so many new set releases to keep track of, there's hardly time to look at the rest of the market. Adam shares a few trends that present some alternative spec opportunities.


Picking up where we left off last week, today we'll continue unearthing the new tech found in July's MODO dumps. Let's dive right in! Cutesy Combos Combo is alive and well in Modern, and probably always will be. Novel ways to win on turn four are in tall supply...


Chris follows up on his article covering Ixalan's best opportunities nearing rotation. This week he shows us the potential in several cards from the second set of the block, Rivals of Ixalan


Eldraine, Commander 2019, Mythic Champ IV, Historic - and more! ALL the news on this episode!


Has MTG Arena gained influence on paper Magic? Core 2020 may indicate that. Tune into the QS Cast!


For the first time in quite a while, I have a massive data dump to analyze! The past weekend contained a Modern GP, an SCG Open, and the Mythic Championship. With all the shocks finally wearing off, we can start to get a handle on the new metagame. But...


Join Sam on his deep dive to get the best bang for your buck on the tournament floor! A few simple tips make grinding much easier on your wallet.


Magic finance and Magic play are two separate hobbies nowadays. They are frequently in tension with each other--an optimal choice in one may be suboptimal in the other. This week Sig reflects on this tension and shares personal anecdotes for how it has impacted his buy/sell decisions.

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Quiet Speculation