
Torpedo Juice | MNM 279

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This Week in Magic

Itā€™s live again! Tom just canā€™t get enough, and it gets even better when we have a bunch of people in the chat window and on the horn. You can join us each week atĀ

First off, a big hello and welcome to our new sponsors: theĀ Decked Builder andĀ Drafter iPhone apps!

I almost hate to give it more publicity, but here is a link to the now infamousĀ Darwin Kastle dating article. TheĀ November FNM promo is Go For the Throat.Ā First issue of the IDW MTG Comic introduces a new planeswalker, Dack Fayden, along with an exclusive, alternate art, playable card!Ā MTGO Innistrad pre-releases on October 13th (coincidence?). Check out the trailer for the independent magic film,Ā Tap: Max's Game.

And, of course, a link to theĀ wikipedia page on Torpedo Juice (safe for work, I promise).

Listener Emails

As promised, live callers and chat questions! Harratic with a shout-out to his local game store,Ā Muse Comics in Missoula, Montana.

MTGCast News

Let Tom know what you think of a more live-based format for MNM and we will work on bringing the best audio quality we can. We also have a new look to the MTGCast site to hopefully have it place nice with Chrome.

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Join theĀ MTGCast Facebook Group - Discussion, Photos, Videos and More!
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Tom & Gavin & Jack & Eric & Conley & Steve & Marcel & Robert & Chris & Adena & Everyone Else Who Plays MTG ā€“ Your Monday Night Magic news team!

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