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Today Wizards of the Coast announced a series of bans affecting Standard and a change in philosophy regarding how bannings are enacted. Three cards were banned from Standard today as part of the announcement including Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki, Invoke Despair, and Reckoner Bankbuster. The bans will take effect for tabletop and MTGO on May 29, 2023, and for Arena on May 30, 2023.
Changes to Banning Philosophy
In addition to the Standard bans, Wizards also announced a change to their philosophy behind how bannings are enacted.

Beyond Today's Bannings
The first annual banned and restricted announcement under the new system is set to take place August 7, 2023, just prior to the start of Wilds of Eldraine preview season. For more info on today's bannings and the changes to Wizards' policies surrounding bannings, check out the full announcement. What do you think of today's bans? The changes to Wizards' ban philosophy? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter.