The Pro Tour strongly reflects the impact of Tales of Middle Earth. Modern’s metagame is warping around the set to an alarming degree. The data is quite clear.
David Ernenwein
The One Ring is driving the metagame changes in Modern. However, the impact isn’t particularly high, and the card’s power remains unclear.
The June Modern Metagame Update is here. New additions have stirred Modern’s mostly stagnant metagame, but that might not be permanent. David has the details.
David E. explains why Vintage on Magic Online is way underplayed, offering a crash course on its rules of engagement. Be warned: here there be dragons.
David E. used the MTGO All-Access Pass to extensively test Pioneer, finding closure on Rakdos, disappointment with Greasefang, and renewed faith in Spirits.
The new straight-to-Modern set is flavorful, but a bit underwhelming for the format. Still, David’s found a card that’s going right into his Modern decks.
Despite data indicating the recession of certain negative trends, Modern’s metagame is moving in concerning directions… and towards becoming solved.
The Modern Metagame Update is out. Modern continues to be stable, despite efforts of rogue decks to make a mark. Some unexpected decks did well in May.
Aiming to revitalize Standard, Wizards has changed when bannings can occur. But the new system carries grave implications for larger formats.
Pioneer continues to frustrate efforts to understand it. However, David E. may have the answer after examining the apparent best deck of the format.
Potentially broken new cards are usually safe bets to see play. Venerated Rotpriest seems like an exception, but David E. isn’t blaming the card itself.
The first-ever extra set in Standard history is rather underwhelming for Constructed, although some of its cards have niche applications in Modern and Pioneer.
April’s Modern metagame data is deceptive. The tale that the numbers suggest isn’t the story that actually happened. David E has the explanation inside.