This is a sad day for Quiet Speculation.
Douglas Johnson

Got a pile of Hour of Devastation bulk? DJ’s here to tell you should be picking out – for both play and monetary value.
DJ’s back with another iteration of Breaking Bulk, making sure you know which cards not to leave behind.
What’s up with this article title? Could it be a…code of some sort? How can it save us money on Magic cards?
DJ breaks down some of the top selling and buying experiences he had at 2017’s GP Vegas.
Many Magic financiers have long given up on trading as a worthwhile endeavor. But if you’re willing to grind the trade tables for bulk, it can still be profitable.
DJ’s back to fill us in on the “bulk” that really isn’t bulk anymore, this time from some recent Commander sets.
DJ walks us through a recent buylist sent to Card Kingdom consisting of lots of bulk. This is a great way to monetize your hobby.
DJ advises today on some cards to watch for while picking bulk – seemingly useless cards can add up to big money if you know what to look for.
DJ breaks down the opportunities available to us in a humble little format known as Pauper.
DJ’s here to explain another way to get a recently spiked card – maybe at a discount.
DJ’s back to discuss some of the finer points of picking bulk at the highest speed possible.