
Gatekeeper of Malakir

Gameplan and gamestate are two sides to the same coin. Neale breaks down all the best options among flexible spells, pulling a chaotic gamestate towards a clear gameplan! Find out how inside!

Seeing the results from the National Qualifiers and thinking back on the article I wrote on Vampires, I was led back to that deck. I really love this Vampire deck and what it is capable of, I play it well, and I have had more success with it than any other deck this season. With all those things being true, how could I not play it again?

The next few short weeks, this CawBlade deck continued to dominate tournaments from local FNM’s to large Star City Games hosted events everywhere. The young mage, Mike Lanigan, read articles, built decks, and tried his best to build a comparable strategy that could take down this “Jund-like” beast (or “Faerie-like” if you prefer).

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