
Kodama’s Reach

All you need to know about how Commander influences foil prices is to look at Expedition Map. The low common goes for over $10 to the right player because when you become a Commander, you want foils all around you. All of those spells should be holographic! While we knew Map would be a good staple in Commander, I don’t think people called that it would be this much for a common, this early. Today, I’m going to share my forecasts for the next hot Commander cards – ones I think will double or triple in price in a year or two. Let’s start!

Betrayers of Kamigawa is fortunate for us in some ways because there are very few cards that are actually worth memorizing. This set and its follow-on were nearly complete duds for tournament Magic; they left few memorable cards after Standard was over. In this article, we will discover the diamonds in the rough and pull the money cards from Betrayers!

We are hot into the second half of Champions of Kamigawa this week. Though the set had less power than Mirrodin, it was still full of interesting cards. The set even has a few power uncommons that I bet you didn’t know about… no, I’m not talking about that damn Top! Find out what Rat is worth more than Meloku in this week’s article!

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