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Wizards announced three more Modern Grands Prix this year, bringing the schedule to two American GPs, a Euro GP and a Canadian GP so close that I’d imagine plenty of players are hunting for their passports. Modern is a ripe field for speculation and it’s a great time to be stocking up on some hot cards for the format. This week, we’re going to take a look at what you should pick up, what you should hold off on, and what the Modern metagame will shape up to. You’re also going to get some Insider-only tech that could pay off in a big way.

Last week, I detailed the method that Kelly and I have used to make hundreds while minimizing our risk. It’s a growing process and we’ve made several mistakes along with plenty of successes. This week, I’ll go over some of our previous purchases, along with some predictions for good cards to pick up.

Today’s article is both revolutionary and simple in its premise. It introduces you to a pricing model that sophisticated financial markets use, but the fundamentals are easily understandable. Kelly Reid and I have worked on getting better at what we’re calling The System when we make runs on stores, trade and speculate on the next upcoming cards, and today, we are going to start sharing it with you – our Insiders. We have already made hundreds of dollars on this, but we can’t make all the money there is to be made in this, since we don’t have infinite cash to throw at it. That’s why we’re sharing it.

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Quiet Speculation