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Speculation and market investment in Magic is in its Golden Era right now. We have access to information at a speed that we never had before in Magic. If you’re spying for new tech, you don’t have to wait for a tournament report on the Dojo or read about it a month later in Inquest – you can hustle over to GGSlive and watch Kibler cast Huntmaster of the Fells in real-time. This article is about Magic speculation and price bubbles in what I am calling the “early modern” era.

Part of speculation and long-term strategies involves making sure that your cash is doing the most work that it can. When your cards are not performing, you need to fire them and get some more productive cards on the line. This weekend at GP: Indy, I divested from several cards that I had been sitting on. The subtheme of my article is “win, lose or draw,” with a look at how an Eternal player confronts finite cash, broad possibilities and the desire to clean house.

You’ve browsed through Completed Listings on Ebay before, trying to get a read on what price you should bid for a card you’d like. There are eight or ten at a normal price, and then there’s one that went for far less than it should have. Sometimes this happens because the listing ended late at night; other times, it’s because an auction for the same item just ended and people might not have aggressively bid on two of the same card.

If you want to be the lucky person snagging those underpriced cards; if you want to assemble a collection while you sleep, with an hour a week worth of work; if you have the patience to wait out some great prices because “your door is always open,” then this article is for you.

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Quiet Speculation