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Full bellies? Droopy eyes? Scrolling and clicking? It's the new year, all right! But why focus on the future when we could dwell on the past? Read on for an after-holiday treat: the spiciest brews to come out of 2019's death throes. Technologic Urza and Oko might be hogging...


Welcome back to the QS Cast! Join Chris Martin, Chris O’Berry, and Sam Lowe as they close out the year and look ahead to Theros: Beyond Death. This cast was originally broadcasted live to Insiders in the QS Insider Discord, December 30th, 2019.


A changing Pioneer metagame, new Modern developments, and Theros Beyond Death spoilers all make for an exciting time in Magic finance heading into 2020.


David follows up on his previous article, highlighting more lessons learned in 2019. This time, he shows off why it's important to organize your sales data and what you can learn from it.


Editor's Note: The Twin ban remained highly controversial into 2019, especially among what I assume to be an extremely vocal minority of Modern die-hards. That sentiment pushed David to revisit Twin's previous role in the format with a thorough, data-driven approach. Also included in this re-run are David's thoughts...


At the start of 2019, Sig made three predictions for what the year may bring in MTG finance. Twelve months later, he reflects back on these predictions. The results may surprise you; with greater respect for the unknown, Sig looks ahead to 2020.


With the new year just days away, every Modern player's got something on their mind: which new goodies will we get next? What's the deal with Pioneer? How are winning grinders tweaking their decks going into 2020? While we'll cover all that in the coming weeks, today I want...


Part III is here! Kyle goes beyond the basics and explores a few more "advanced" applications of renting, strategies useful to both investors and players alike.


Tournament Magic will always have its place. But when it comes to game play hours, kitchen table Magic dwarfs the tournament scene. This explains why so many non-tournament legal cards are valuable. This week Sig explores some of the most desirable, which may make for good long-term investments.


Editor's note: 2019 was perhaps Modern's wildest year ever, featuring such meta-defining decks as UR Phoenix, Hogaak, and Whirza thanks to monumental shakeups in the form of Modern Horizons and other expansions. That chaos wasn't without its constants, including one critical element of new spoilers: card evaluation. In this...

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