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For months, MTG finance had remained quiet and calm. The market was largely stable, and admittedly boring. Then the Pioneer announcement came along and awakened the beast. Now havoc (and controversy) is once again being wreaked by #MTGfinance.


Happy halloween, everyone! By the time my next article rolls around, we'll all have Kit-Katted (or in my case, Coffee Crisped) ourselves into a spooky stupor. So what better time than now to head off a Modern Top 5 series focusing on Magic's five colors? Naturally, we'll start with...


In Part Two of his SCG Indi recap, Sam wraps up Modern lessons from both SCG Indi and Regionals and explores Eldraine Collector's Boosters.


Pioneer is here! Adam looks at how the Magic Online metagame is driving its market, and why it could predict the next paper spikes.


David gives us a detailed rundown of the important non-basic lands in Pioneer, and where they might fit into your decklist.


Chris makes his return to writing to cover Pioneer, Magic's latest non-rotating format. Find out what format staples you'll want to be hunting for and more, here.


Unbannings always trigger a surge of interest, articles, and brewing. When the card's utility and thus its home is obvious, the cards is quickly adopted, as was the case for Bloodbraid Elf. For those whose power is tougher to unlock, interest and visibility wanes while the hard work is...


David makes his return after a brief hiatus, combing over the contents of the recent Brawl releases from Throne of Eldraine.


Join Chris Martin, Sam Lowe, and Chris O'Berry as they venture into the wild Frontier of the new Pioneer format! You won't want to miss these Historic picks.


Selling cards on social media has its advantages. But it can also be a bit of a nuisance, which is why Sig often prefers shipping to buylists. This week Sig shares four tips to make buying and selling peer-to-peer a smoother process.

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Quiet Speculation