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SCG Indi was an important week both for Sam and for Magic at large. Check in with Sam here to find out what he learned over the weekend and what lies ahead.


With a few weeks of online events and an SCG Team Event, the metagame is finally taking shape. It's nowhere near enough for any real analysis to take place, but it is a good starting point. With SCG Indianapolis in the books it's time to start pulling apart the...


Sig has recently accepted the fact that he has a problem: he's spending too much time on his smartphone, ignoring the world around him. This week, Sig uses Jeremy's Grab Bag sale as a case study as he explores ways to cut down on time wasted on MTG finance.


Join Chris Martin, Sam Lowe, and Chris O'Berry as they jump into Throne of Eldraine's impact on Standard, Modern, and EDH going into release weekend.


With Throne of Eldraine released, it's only a matter of time until the set's real players make themselves known. But despite the lack of data we've got at this stage, certain candidates are already hogging the conversation. Perhaps the most polarizing card in the set is Once Upon a...


Core Set 2020 was lost in the shuffle this summer, and Adam explains why that makes it a great speculation opportunity this fall.


Pat makes his timely return with an examination on what he believes are the key cards in Throne of Eldraine Standard, plus some sleeper hits that you may be missing out on.


Throne of Eldraine is officially out, and that means that data is slowly trickling in. Very slowly, to the point that I can't draw conclusions yet. It will take a few more weeks of events and brewing before things settle enough to get an accurate view of the new...


In 2012, an interesting Twitter conversation motivated Sig to write a piece on the long-term investment viability of Magic. Looking back at his predictions, Sig is kicking himself as he witnesses the returns he missed by focusing on the stock market rather than the MTG market.


Last week, we kicked off the September Brew Report, covering some of the juiciest decks to emerge from recent 5-0 dumps. As the format continues to find its footing after the Hogaak ban, the possibilities seem endless. Today we'll discuss the other newcomers. Fair Enough We'll kick things off...

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