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Testing with Ravnica Allegiance has been fruitful. For the most part, the cards that looked good enough for Modern have been. A few cards have even exceeded expectations. Most of the time in Modern, it's correct to only play the very best card for the job. Raw card power...


Danny returned to his collection after a hiatus to purge it of specs that hadn't panned out. Today he shares his reasoning, and what he's learned about holding failed specs.


We've all been waiting for tax refunds to kick in and restimulate the market. Well, that time is upon us. Sig has three strategies to keep in mind when putting new capital to work.


Successful Magic decks are like well-oiled machines: the pieces fit together well enough to ensure they enact their gameplans consistently and effectively. They owe their cohesion to enablers, cards that supercharge certain gameplay mechanics or themes (i.e. "artifacts matter"). Just like payoff cards, or the ones newer players crack in...


Ravnica Allegiance and the banning of Krark-Clan Ironworks mean big things for Modern. Today Adam shares some ways to take advantage of the new meta.


Spinning off from a section in article #23, Eddie starts this new What's Next series by looking into what could be in store for Modern after the KCI banning.


Rob talks about a spiking mythic rare from Magic Origins on today's segment.


Assumptions and collectively-held beliefs are fickle and powerful things. They can affect perception and, in a way, become reality if unchallenged. Therefore, it is critical for the skeptical mind to evaluate and investigate these ideas for validity, especially in the wake of recent bannings. After being challenged on long-held...


Sig was one of the first people to purchase the latest Mythic Edition set when the listing went live last week. But after considering a few factors, he decided to cancel. He explains why.


Krark-Clan Ironworks is now banned in Modern. Despite its dominance on the tournament scene, though, the deck failed to stamp out the format's trademark diversity and innovation. Plenty of decks and deckbuilders brought exciting new tech to the tables this month, and we'll ring in the new year right by...

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