
Daily Stock Watch – Woodland Bellower

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Hello, readers and welcome to a new edition of the Daily Stock Watch! I'm going to do a review today of a card that is spiking as we speak, thanks to its inclusion in a possible new version of Kiki Pod in Modern. It has suddenly leapfrogged to $7.50 from around $2, and it could get out of hand real quick if a complete buyout happens.

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Prime Speaker Vannifar has been an on and off card for the entire time it has existed, as it started off hot at around $24, and has now cooled off at around $13 even though people are still hyped about the idea of it being the centerpiece of a new Birthing Pod concept minus the actual pod itself. The list is still raw but it has gathered a following somehow and has helped in boosting the prices of the some of the less popular pieces such as Woodland Bellower (which is a singleton in this list, by the way).

Prime Speaker Kiki Chord


1 Eternal Witness
1 Scryb Ranger
1 Magus of the Moon
1 Zealous Conscripts
1 Woodland Bellower
2 Scavenging Ooze
2 Breaching Hippocamp
2 Coiling Oracle
2 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
2 Tireless Tracker
3 Noble Hierarch
3 Bounding Krasis
4 Prime Speaker Vannifar
4 Birds of Paradise

Other Spells

3 Chord of Calling
2 Eldritch Evolution
2 Postmortem Lunge
1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor


1 Steam Vents
1 Temple Garden
2 Island
2 Scalding Tarn
2 Breeding Pool
2 Grove of the Burnwillows
2 Stomping Ground
3 Forest
4 Wooded Foothills
4 Misty Rainforest


1 Thragtusk
1 Relic of Progenitus
1 Reclamation Sage
2 Kitchen Finks
1 Izzet Staticaster
1 Glen Elendra Archmage
2 Blood Moon
1 Avalanche Riders
1 Ancient Grudge
2 Abrade
2 Tireless Tracker

The plan is quite basic for this deck idea: keep Vannifar alive (or just time your Chord of Calling properly) so that it can finish the game in this single chain of "podding" in this order.

Going Infinite With Vannifar

This list omits the need for white and Restoration Angel but gives you the flexibility to stay on three colors for more power off the board and a lower risk to color screw. Getting your second copies of Bounding Krasis and [/card]Breaching Hippocamp[/card] allows you to finish the game with a finishing kick from Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker on the same turn you start your combo, but do note that this deck will depend a lot on your key pieces staying alive to make sure it goes off. As problematic as that sounds, the same is true for other decks of its kin, anyway. Failure to go off on the first chance you get would almost always result in a loss.

Knowing that there is a deck concept like this out there, the prices of Scryb Ranger, Postmortem Lunge, and now Woodland Bellower are up and about until it is proven that the deck is just another hype train gone wrong. Although Woodland Bellower is a Commander staple, I don't see it sustaining this price tag if the deck doesn't succeed much. It should settle in the $5 range soon enough and I think that it's reasonable enough, considering that this deck list is out there and could possibly win a big event or two given the right timing.

At the moment, you could still find copies of Woodland Bellower from multiple vendors via TCGPlayer at anywhere between $5.48 up to $10.60. Foil copies are also available in various languages between $12.50 and $25. StarCityGames is out of stock for both normal and foiled ones, while Card Kingdom still has two play sets of normal copies available at $6.99 each. Seeing how the market is still running around with supplies, it's safe to say that the price tick wasn't caused by a buyout, but a rather vigilant move by sellers to try and gain profit from it while there is hype. Big stores don't usually panic on minor price spikes, so it should be safe to say that you could still get copies for $5 or less elsewhere. That would be the number I'm looking at if I were still to speculate at this point.

And that’s it for today’s edition of the Daily Stock Watch! See you again next time, as we check out a new card that should be on the go, or good enough for speculating. As always, feel free to share your opinion in the comments section below. And if you want to keep up with all the market movement, be sure to check in with the QS Discord Channel for real time market information, and stay ahead of the hottest specs!

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