Establishing a good process, in Magic finance as in everything else, is crucial for success. Dylan Beckham breaks down his overall approach to complicated ventures like speculation.
Dylan Beckham

Some competition can be destructive, which benefits no one in the end. Dylan Beckham makes the case for stores and speculators to work together to grow the game and market as a whole.
Dylan Beckham surveys his predictions for Modern cards this season, to see how he fared in light of the format’s lackluster showing.
Today Dylan Beckham reflects on how the finance game has changed along with Magic itself over the last several years.
Today Dylan Beckham checks in with Modern prices, which continue to perform in a lackluster manner.
Dylan Beckham picks another five cards he is watching like a hawk–each relevant to Modern in some way, and each with the potential for a price correction.
Dylan Beckham continues his discussion of the Modern format as it evolves in season, covering metagame changes and the financial implications.
As we enter the Modern season, the meta has already begun to take shape. He looks at some early indicators of the format and discusses what’s financially relevant.
Dylan Beckham summarizes his impressions of the current state of Modern and mentions five sideboard staples to watch this season.
Feeling reflective today, Dylan Beckham weighs in on the high-profile break-in that recently occurred in his local Magic community.
With Modern just around the corner, Dylan Beckham discusses five cards in his crosshairs. Keep an eye on these cards as the season ramps up.
Dylan Beckham believes windows of opportunity in MTG finance are bound to be shorter in the future, requiring more diligence on the part of financiers. Here’s why.
Dylan Beckham believes Loxodon Smiter is uniquely positioned in Modern right now. Read on for his new build of Jund sporting the elephant.