Pat makes his timely return with an examination on what he believes are the key cards in Throne of Eldraine Standard, plus some sleeper hits that you may be missing out on.
Patrick Lienemann

Patrick has been playing Magic on and off since the early 2000s, but only became more competitive around Zendikar. He enjoys most formats, but chaos draft is his favorite.
Patrick continues his Getting Started series, this time covering the primary avenues of selling your Magic products in the secondary market.
Pat gives us the follow up to his first article on getting started in MTG Finance, with a Commander focused perspective.
What is FOMO? How does it relate to MTG finance? How can we recognize it, minimize its effects, or even harness its power? Pat has got some thoughts on this one. Check it out!
In Pat’s debut article for QS, he discusses the broad differences between short- and long-term specs, how to identify trends before spikes, and closes with a few predictions.