
Jason Schousboe

Jason was introduced to Magic in 1994, and began playing competitively during Time Spiral block. He has enjoyed a few high finishes on the professional scene, including Top 16 at Grand Prix Denver and Top 25 at Pro Tour Honolulu 2012. He specializes in draft formats of all stripes, from Masters Edition to the modern age.

If you’ve been paying much attention to the Modern metagame or spending a reasonable amount of time in the MTGO Leagues, you’ve almost certainly already run up against Modern’s newest boogeyman, Dredge. I recently pulled the trigger and bought into a Modern deck on MTGO (Infect, for those interested) and made the portentous decision to scrimp […]

We’re trying something new here at Modern Nexus for the Monday slot. I’d like to use this day’s publication for a Deck of the Week feature, where I’ll scour the internet for an interesting or innovative build that recently put up results. My aim is to spotlight the unfamiliar and less dominant archetypes here, so […]

Modern Nexus is taking a day off for the Fourth of July holiday here in America (and to let your humble editor recover from a long week). We’ll be back in full force tomorrow with David’s article, so be sure to come back then.

Modern never ceases to amaze me in its constant innovation and evolution. From crazy one-off brews, to slight metagame tweaks in established decks, to defunct archetypes that rise pheonix-like from the ashes with a new printing, there’s always plenty to discover. I spent most of the weekend chaining Eternal Masters drafts like a degenerate and watching […]

It’s become a perennial fixture of spoiler season. Some card with a variant of the “punisher” mechanic (the classic example being Browbeat) is spoiled and the collective Magic community flips their lid. Forum posts are awash in bold claims about its greatness, labyrinthine explanations of how “both sides are good,” and wild overestimations of the card’s […]

My friend Chaz has a saying about Modern: “The best games I’ve ever played were in Modern; and the worst games I’ve ever played were in Modern.” It makes sense. One the one hand we’re witnessing what is most likely the single-most diverse Magic format of all time, where every possible archetype and play style […]

These days I’m somewhat schizophrenic in my long-distance tournament planning. Usually I make the entirely adult decision to stay home from any GPs or Star City Games Opens requiring a day’s drive or flight. Some quantity of these good decisions are inevitably reneged on when a friend convinces me through last-minute pleading and/or reminders of […]

The month of April has brought about a bevy of changes to the Modern format. Between the banishing of the Eldrazi back to from whence they came, to two notable unbannings, to the announcement that the Modern Pro Tour is no more, there has been plenty to discuss and ruminate over. While some big questions […]

You may have noticed the lack of a new article for today. We’re still in the process of rearranging and organizing things, so I hope you’ll forgive us as we get situated. The rest of this week is slated for an update each day as normal, and next week you can expect the usual Monday […]

Greetings, Nexites! Hopefully by now you’ve seen Sheridan’s announcement last week of the new partnership Modern Nexus is starting with Quiet Speculation. My name is Jason Schousboe and I’ll be taking over as Editor in Chief. A little about myself. My Magic career started about 10 years ago, and has seen me travel for a few […]

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