
Grafdigger’s Cage

My last article was about Scourge of the Skyclaves… and it still opened by acknowledging that Modern’s general narrative currently revolves around Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath. Yes, Uro is everywhere, and Modern players seem up on the fact that it’s incredibly strong—if they aren’t playing it, they’re finding ways to beat it, or more […]

The metagame is beginning to take form, and now is the time for players to start adapting. This could mean adjusting which decks they play, how they play them, or what cards they play. Now is naturally a time for experimentation, but no such transitional period is free from common mistakes. Whether it’s misunderstanding how […]

Spinning off from a section in article #23, Eddie starts this new What’s Next series by looking into what could be in store for Modern after the KCI banning.

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