What does the perfect mono-red aggro deck look like in Holiday Cube? Today concludes the discussion.
If you could hand-pick the perfect cards for a mono-red deck in the Holiday Cube, what would your decklist look like?
Why can’t we draft the MTGO Cube more often?
Derek explains how and why you should be using Pucatrade to round out your MTG Finance experience.
“Casual player” is such a loaded term…
What are your favorite cards in the Legacy Cube?
There are a couple of things wrong with the aesthetic of MTGO’s new Legacy Cube…
The MTGO Cube is getting an overhaul…
It’s a dilemma many casual players have: do you sell when a card is at its peak price, or do you just not worry about card value and keep the cards you want to play with?
During the downtime before the Magic 2015 Prereleases begin, WOTC will be granting every account that has logged in to Magic Online since April 2008 35 phantom points. Holiday Cube returns July 16. Watch these videos to brush up on your Cube skills and put those phantom points to good use!
Paul forces a Storm deck in this Cube Draft and ends up with something powerful. Is it good enough to 3-0?
Paul tackles the most fun and skill testing format on MTGO, Cube Draft!
Kiddo, some dragons just ain’t worth chasin’.