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The rare Legacy GP event occurred this weekend, taken down by UW Stoneblade. Christopher takes stock of the format and considers some cards in good position to rise.


The MTGO economy has undergone a whirlwind of changes since the introduction of Arena. In his quarterly report for Spring, Matt examines the speculative strategies that remain viable.


The QS Cast reflects on the success of the Magic Invitational. They dive deeper into it's impact on the game and it's market!


With Ravnica Allegiance set to be replaced as the main draft format on MTGO, now is the time to consider where to park value in the set. Today Kyle covers the rares from RNA.


This is a very busy week. War of the Spark is now completely revealed, and so I have a few final cards to discuss. There have been a number of interesting cards for Modern, but we haven't seen any obvious all-stars. Of course, that may be a lot to ask...


The market is heating up, but how do you determine the best cards to target? Today Adam shares some techniques he uses and the specs they've led to.


Modern reprint sets have often led to price increases by sparking newfound interest in the format. Sig explains why Modern Horizons may have an even larger impact on prices this year.


At last, War of the Spark is fully spoiled! From a design perspective, I think War bodes well for Modern's future, and more specifically for the upcoming Modern Horizons. And the set itself has some juicy cards, too. While David's review sought to quell the excitement surrounding some perhaps-not-excellent...


Christopher knows accountability is always crucial in speculation. After ten weeks of articles for QS, he looks back to evaluate how his speculation calls have fared.

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